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[Whitepaper] Performance, Language, IDE, and Beyond – AIMMS vs. Python for Mathematical Optimization. Download your copy!

Commercial Use

For developer users that want to develop and maintain AIMMS-based optimization applications and models. The AIMMS Developer platform license allows developers to build and modify the model code base, create user interfaces, and develop to-be-embedded components on a personal desktop.

For organizations to deploy AIMMS apps created by developers. The AIMMS PRO platform license provides for users organization-wide to use AIMMS web-based apps via a browser (no installation needed). We offer AIMMS PRO in various prepackaged configurations – Essential, Preferred and Premier – to assure optimal use.

We recommend to use PRO with our managed Cloud platform.

AIMMS Standard License

AIMMS modeling includes several mathematical model types (Linear, Mixed Integer, Nonlinear, Mixed Integer Nonlinear, etc.).

We include the distributables of the COIN-OR solvers CBC (LP/MIP) and IPOPT (NLP) inside the installation package of AIMMS. These open source solvers provide a basic set of solvers to start from.

For mixed integer nonlinear programs (MINLP) models, we offer the built-in AIMMS Outer Approximation (AOA) algorithm. This AOA algorithm helps specify an individual algorithm to obtain better performance and/or a better solution.

AIMMS Solver Extensions

You can extend optimization capabilities in AIMMS with additional commercial solvers such as CPLEX, BARON, CONOPT, KNITRO, SNOPT, MINOS, CP Optimizer, PATH, and more. These solvers are offered as add-ons to support a broader class of mathematical programs, or to boost performance and/or use alternative algorithms.

AIMMS Open solver interface

Solver developers can link their LP, MIP, NLP, QP or MCP solver to AIMMS using the AIMMS Open Solver Interface. A solver must be authorized by the AIMMS company to use the AIMMS Open Solver Interface.

For more information, see our Solvers pages in the AIMMS documentation.

AIMMS licenses

  • All licenses are provided under the AIMMS Software License Agreement which includes the Service Level Statement (SLS).
  • All licenses are protected by the electronic AIMMS Licensing mechanism (software nodelocks).
  • Upon your order, we will initially provide temporary AIMMS subscription licenses. After receiving payment, the temporary licenses will be replaced by your full-term subscription licenses.
  • All subscription licenses include all product updates during the full term of the subscription.


  • All list prices are in $ (US Dollars) for the Americas and Asia Pacific, and in € for other countries (EMEA).
  • All list prices do not include applicable taxes (local or international).
  • All list prices are subject to change without notice.
  • The standard payment term is net 30 days.


  • AIMMS follows the policies and regulations of the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)


If you would like to purchase an AIMMS subscription license, please contact us for more details or a quote.

Free Personal Use

The Free AIMMS Community Edition is an unrestricted AIMMS Developer license for anyone to use AIMMS at no charge. You can use our modeling environment with its friendly IDE and all the extensive capabilities for model diagnostics, data connectivity, web application building and visualization, advanced algorithmic capabilities, data and case management features, and more.

Open source solvers CBC and IPOPT included

Compared to the commercial AIMMS Developer License and the Free AIMMS Academic License, the AIMMS Community Edition only includes access to the open source solvers CBC (for linear and mixed-integer problems), and IPOPT (for nonlinear problems), as well as the AOA solver for (mixed-integer nonlinear problems). This means you can use the AIMMS Community Edition to solve any linear, mixed-integer or nonlinear problem, although the performance will, in general, not be comparable to the commercial solvers that come with commercial and academic AIMMS licenses. To incorporate data uncertainty in your models, you can use the included options for Scenario Analysis and Stochastic Programming.

Eligibility and use conditions for the AIMMS Community Edition

  • The AIMMS Community Edition is available to anyone for personal usage.
  • The AIMMS Community Edition is not available to citizens of a E.U. or U.S. embargoed country or when used in violation of any E.U. or U.S. export law or regulation
  • AIMMS shall have no liability or obligation arising from or with respect to use of the AIMMS Community Edition
  • The AIMMS Community Edition may not be used for any commercial deployment or paid services; it is restricted to personal development use only.
  • The AIMMS Community Edition will update automatically whenever you use it; if you stop using it, the license will expire after 6 months.
  • The AIMMS Community Edition can only be used when connected to the internet and on a regular desktop/laptop using Windows OS.
  • AIMMS will collect usage statistics of all issued AIMMS Community Edition licenses.
  • The AIMMS Community Edition allows the usage of all Feature Releases and bugfixes of AIMMS that are available for download.
  • AIMMS reserves the right to terminate an issued AIMMS Community Edition license and/or change the AIMMS Community Edition license offering without notice at any time.
  • AIMMS reserves the rights to adjust the license terms and conditions of the AIMMS Community Edition license at any time. No rights can be obtained from previous granted rights.
  • The AIMMS Community Edition is subject to the AIMMS Community Edition License Agreement.

Free Academic Use

The Free AIMMS Academic License is an unrestricted license for academics (students, teachers, professors, and researchers) to use AIMMS at no charge.

Request a Free AIMMS Academic License

The free academic license includes:

  • standard AIMMS developer use
  • standard solvers use (CPLEX, CP Optimizer, CONOPT, CBC, IPOPT, etc.)
  • IP range protection, for use on university networks
  • off-line use (after activation)

Solve almost any problem and run comparative analysis using: CPLEX, CP Optimizer, CONOPT, ODH-CPLEX, MINOS, SNOPT, AOA, PATH, XA, CBC and IPOPT.

Connect your own GUROBI license with AIMMS using our link.

Includes the add-on for Robust Optimization, plus options for Scenario Analysis and Stochastic Programming.

We currently do not offer Academic Licenses for AIMMS SC Navigator.

For academic organizations which need a network setup or additional solvers, read about our extended academic license below.

If you are eligible for an academic license (see Academic terms & conditions below), but require either a network setup or additional solvers (BARON/Knitro), we offer two types of paid licenses for academic use:

  1. Network license: provides an unlimited number of unrestricted concurrent AIMMS sessions within a Local Area Network. This means that everyone within your university department’s network can work with AIMMS at the same time.
    The base fee for a network license is $/€ 450.
  2. Single User license: this paid academic single user license is an unrestricted stand-alone license of AIMMS, which includes a size restricted version of BARON and KNITRO. This license can be extended with the full versions of BARON and/or KNITRO. The base fee for a single user license is $/€ 100

Both licenses can only be ordered for academic use by students, teachers, professors, and researchers.

Included in each license:

  • CPLEX, XA, CP Optimizer, CONOPT, MINOS, SNOPT, AOA, and PATH solver
  • COIN-OR solvers CBC and IPOPT
  • Robust Optimization add-on
  • size restricted BARON (10×10) solver
  • size restricted Knitro (600×600) solver
  • GUROBI link-only
  • Open Solver Interface
  • free maintenance

Additional solvers

The Paid AIMMS Academic Licences provided above can be further extended with the following (unrestricted) solvers at special academic prices:


Extension options Price (add-on)
BARON – Single user $/€ 100
BARON – Network license $/€ 450
Knitro – Single user $/€ 400
Knitro – Network license

* 2 user

* 10 user

* unlimited


$/€ 1000

$/€ 2000

$/€ 2500


To request a Paid AIMMS Academic License contact [email protected]. See the academic terms and conditions (below) and the standard terms and conditions.

Free AIMMS Academic License

  • This Free AIMMS Academic License is only available for academics (i.e. students, instructors, or researchers of institutions for higher education).
  • This Free AIMMS Academic License may not be used for any commercial purposes or paid services; it is restricted to academic use only.
  • The Free AIMMS Academic Licenses are developer licenses.
  • To continue use of your Free AIMMS Academic License, you will need to follow a simple update process every 6 months.
  • This license is a single user license for use on a regular desktop/laptop. A network version of the software is available through Paid AIMMS Academic License options (not free of charge).
  • Activation or updates of this license can only be performed while connected within the provided academic network domain.
  • The Free AIMMS Academic License allows the usage of all Production Releases and Feature Releases of AIMMS that are available for download.
  • The Free AIMMS Academic License and software is only delivered electronically.
  • AIMMS reserves the right to terminate an issued Free AIMMS Academic License and/or change the Free AIMMS Academic License offering.
  • All standard terms and conditions apply.

Paid AIMMS Academic Licenses

  • The Paid AIMMS Academic Licenses may only be ordered by higher educational establishments for academic use by students, teachers, professors, and researchers and may only be used for non-commercial purposes.
  • The Paid AIMMS Academic Licenses have a limited time-span of one year. After this year, renewal of the one year licenses can be requested free of charge.
  • The Paid AIMMS Academic Licenses are developer licenses.
  • AIMMS is available for the Windows 64-bit platforms. The Paid AIMMS Academic network license can also be used to run AIMMS applications to the Linux platform, but the AIMMS GUI is not available for Linux.
  • The Paid AIMMS Academic Licenses are protected by software nodelock licenses. Specific restrictions to limit use to the educational establishment are applied.
  • The Paid AIMMS Academic Licenses and the AIMMS software are only delivered electronically.
  • Regarding the AIMMS Academic Licenses, AIMMS reserves the right to refuse a license upon request or refuse a renewal of the license when improper use of the license is suspected.
  • All standard terms and conditions apply.